11 Healthy Tips & Benefits For Losing With Green Tea
In this blog you will learn:
Why green tea compared to black tea is better for you and why this happens. How many cups you need to drink daily to maximize fat burning.
Why every person who has diabetes or wants to avoid today has to start green tea - for these people this tea is a gift from heaven
How to process green tea in your diet gets more concentration, calmer and even worse - everybody has something to do with every day's brain.

The tricks that you can use in addition to drinking this tea to lose even more weight
Content of this blog
Green tea healthy .... truth or fiction?
# 1 Green tea is full of valuable fabrics
# 2 Green tea maximizes your fat burning
# 3 Lose with green tea through one magic dust
# 4 Green tea lowered the poor cholesterol (LDL)
# 5 Green tea helps against skin cancer.
# 6 EGCG: The youth mixer
# 7 Green tea is good for you ... because it's poisonous
# 8 It reduced the risk of deadly disease in the Netherlands
# 9 Your noble parts will be grateful to you
# 10 Green tea reduces glucose and insulin levels
# 11 It increases your concentration
Green tea is just the beginning
Green tea healthy .... truth or fiction?
You must have lived under a stone, you do not want to know that green tea is healthy for you.
But ... how healthy is it actually for you? I can give you a brief summary, but that would be an insult to the green tea.
That's why I've listed 11 healthy tips and benefits for green tea in this blog .
Not only does green tea help you with fat burning, but it also has many health benefits that you often forget to name. In addition to being able to drink, you can also order green tea pills. Here is the green tea extract in a capsule. As a result, you can experience all of its benefits.
Green tea drinking is one of the health hacks we use. But that gift is waiting for you at the end of this blog . Believe me ... you do not want to miss it.
# 1 Green tea is full of valuable fabrics
# 2 Green tea maximizes your fat burning
# 3 Lose with green tea through one magic dust
# 4 Green tea lowered the poor cholesterol (LDL)
# 5 Green tea helps against skin cancer.
# 6 EGCG: The youth mixer
# 7 Green tea is good for you ... because it's poisonous
# 8 It reduced the risk of deadly disease in the Netherlands
# 9 Your noble parts will be grateful to you
# 10 Green tea reduces glucose and insulin levels
# 11 It increases your concentration
Green tea is just the beginning
Green tea healthy .... truth or fiction?
You must have lived under a stone, you do not want to know that green tea is healthy for you.
But ... how healthy is it actually for you? I can give you a brief summary, but that would be an insult to the green tea.
That's why I've listed 11 healthy tips and benefits for green tea in this blog .
Not only does green tea help you with fat burning, but it also has many health benefits that you often forget to name. In addition to being able to drink, you can also order green tea pills. Here is the green tea extract in a capsule. As a result, you can experience all of its benefits.
Green tea drinking is one of the health hacks we use. But that gift is waiting for you at the end of this blog . Believe me ... you do not want to miss it.
1. Green tea is full of valuable fabrics.
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A small walk through a random supermarket in the Netherlands will make one thing very clear to you:
There are many prepackaged products in the shelves.
Is this by definition bad?
Yes and no.
Some products can make you hard at home, for example, cheese.
But I'll be very honest with you.
There are few products on earth that get healthier after they leave a factory.
The more your products process, the more vitamins (and other healthy substances) are lost.
So also with tea.
Green Tea
But green tea does not have this problem. Research has shown that it is one of the least processed tea types on earth. As a result, it contains many of its healthy components. This is unlike black tea. This makes this green animal very healthy!
What healthy components do I have about ... do you have a moment?
For example, think of:
Polyphenols (EGCG)
Vitamin A, B, B1, B2, B12, C, E and D
And much more...
What healthy components do I have about ... do you have a moment?
For example, think of:
Polyphenols (EGCG)
Vitamin A, B, B1, B2, B12, C, E and D
And much more...
2. Green tea maximizes your fat burning.
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The reason you Health Freaks I've arrived is probably because you want to lose weight? You came here because you want to lose MORE fat.
Well there are several ways to get this together. I can give you a complicated eating schedule but there's a much easier way to lose the extra kilos:
DRINK THEE! If you do not already, start it now.
Because of green tea you lose less fat.
From research it has been found that it inhibits the growth of fat layers. In the experiment, rats received a diet consisting of 50 percent sugar and 15 percent of butter to fertilize fat.
Green Tea Fat For Burning.
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In addition, one of the two groups received 130 mg of green tea powder.
What turned out? The powder inhibited weight gain.
As a consequence, the group receiving the powder became less fat and received a less fatty liver. In your liver, fat is being processed and if you get too much, you get liver fatigue. Ever heard of foie gras? That is nothing but the liver of geese that are fat. What do you think the smeuic structure comes from in foie gras? It's nothing but fat.
Do you want to make the most of your fat burning? Several studies have shown that the health benefits of green tea only start when drinking 3 to 6 cups.
In addition, one of the two groups received 130 mg of green tea powder.
What turned out? The powder inhibited weight gain.
As a consequence, the group receiving the powder became less fat and received a less fatty liver. In your liver, fat is being processed and if you get too much, you get liver fatigue. Ever heard of foie gras? That is nothing but the liver of geese that are fat. What do you think the smeuic structure comes from in foie gras? It's nothing but fat.
Do you want to make the most of your fat burning? Several studies have shown that the health benefits of green tea only start when drinking 3 to 6 cups.
3. Lose with green tea through one magic dust.
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You have read above that green tea contains many good ingredients because it has not been processed.
One of these important constituents is the polyphenols . I know it's an expensive word but you do not have to remember this one.
It is one of the most important substances in green tea that helps you lose weight.
EGCG belongs to this group of polyphenols.
Scientists have shown that EGCG increases metabolism.
This tea can thus make people slim. What else is it good for?
It also reduces the risk of diabetes by improving your blood sugar levels.
Accelerates fat burning
It makes you more sensitive to insulin
The latter causes your body to produce less insulin to process the same amount of sugar. This reduces the chance of type 2 diabetes. I'll be back in the blog later.
In addition, research has shown that EGCG inhibits intake of intestinal food.
After 12 weeks of EGCG , a higher weight loss has been demonstrated than in women who did not receive this. The group receiving the extract lost 1.1 kilograms of weight. In addition, their abdominal size also decreased.
The latter causes your body to produce less insulin to process the same amount of sugar. This reduces the chance of type 2 diabetes. I'll be back in the blog later.
In addition, research has shown that EGCG inhibits intake of intestinal food.
After 12 weeks of EGCG , a higher weight loss has been demonstrated than in women who did not receive this. The group receiving the extract lost 1.1 kilograms of weight. In addition, their abdominal size also decreased.
4. Green tea lowered the poor cholesterol (LDL).
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The chances are quite high that if you are overweight that your cholesterol is not alright. And now you can swallow expensive and difficult-to-speak drugs, but you can also reduce it in another way:
Cholesterol has two forms:
The good cholesterol, also called HDL cholesterol
The bad cholesterol, also known as LDL cholesterol
Cholesterol is a building material for cells and hormones. Without cholesterol, you can not live! So if you meet someone who tells you that you have to do anything about avoiding cholesterol, you know that he is out of his neck. Ideally, the body accurately produces cholesterol.
Green tea capsules also work
Too high cholesterol levels are often caused by eating too much bullshit. Think of fast food, pasta and added sugars.
Saturated fat and added sugars from unhealthy products are just the type of fat and sugar that you avoid witl as this increases LDL cholesterol and often decreases HDL cholesterol. This increases the risk of cardiovascular disease by sticking veins.
Green tea can lower the "bad" cholesterol, according to research in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association.
Subjects who took green tea or green tea capsules were found to have 5 to 6 mg / dL less LDL cholesterol than people who did not receive the green tea. Just as a reference: a "normal" LDL content should be 5 mg / dL. So even if you have doubles with this content, green tea can bring the weather to a normal value.
In addition, the study also showed that the extract causes a lower ghrelin level.
Greline is the hormone responsible for generating your hunger sensation. Green tea, therefore, makes you feel less hungry. You would like to drink green tea almost all day if you read all these benefits.
Saturated fat and added sugars from unhealthy products are just the type of fat and sugar that you avoid witl as this increases LDL cholesterol and often decreases HDL cholesterol. This increases the risk of cardiovascular disease by sticking veins.
Green tea can lower the "bad" cholesterol, according to research in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association.
Subjects who took green tea or green tea capsules were found to have 5 to 6 mg / dL less LDL cholesterol than people who did not receive the green tea. Just as a reference: a "normal" LDL content should be 5 mg / dL. So even if you have doubles with this content, green tea can bring the weather to a normal value.
In addition, the study also showed that the extract causes a lower ghrelin level.
Greline is the hormone responsible for generating your hunger sensation. Green tea, therefore, makes you feel less hungry. You would like to drink green tea almost all day if you read all these benefits.
5 Green tea helps against skin cancer.
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In the Netherlands we do not see the sun often. So if the sun is shining, everyone wants to make the most of it. And, honestly, I do not give them unequal. But this has to do with one thing and another:
The harmful effect of UV light is established . In the long term, UV exposure can lead to skin aging and even skin cancer.
In the Netherlands about 25,000 new cases of skin cancer occur annually . With this, skin cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer. Although skin cancer is usually very good, if they are discovered early, they cause a lot of inconvenience. Green tea can also play an important role in the development of skin cancer.
From research it has been found that the ingestion or administration of the polyphenols may inhibit the onset of skin cancer.
Daily drinking of green tea and lubricating cosmetics with green tea extract on the skin can slow down the appearance of skin cancer.
In the Netherlands we do not see the sun often. So if the sun is shining, everyone wants to make the most of it. And, honestly, I do not give them unequal. But this has to do with one thing and another:
The harmful effect of UV light is established . In the long term, UV exposure can lead to skin aging and even skin cancer.
In the Netherlands about 25,000 new cases of skin cancer occur annually . With this, skin cancer is one of the most common forms of cancer. Although skin cancer is usually very good, if they are discovered early, they cause a lot of inconvenience. Green tea can also play an important role in the development of skin cancer.
From research it has been found that the ingestion or administration of the polyphenols may inhibit the onset of skin cancer.
Daily drinking of green tea and lubricating cosmetics with green tea extract on the skin can slow down the appearance of skin cancer.
6. EGCG: The youth mixer.
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Everyone wants to stay young for as long as possible.
Most people do a lot of effort to prevent wrinkles or disappear. With the years your skin becomes less elastic and supple. This is why you developed wrinkles.
Green tea can reduce the appearance of wrinkles because:
Green tea, among other things, inhibits proteinases
In human language, proteinases are shortened: 'proteins that break the collagen and elastin into the skin'.
Collage keeps the skin smooth
Elastines ensure that the skin stays elastic.
When collagen and elastin are broken down by proteinases, the skin becomes less flexible and elastic and causes wrinkles. Which dust in green tea does this make? You already guess: EGCG.
EGCG mainly inhibits proteins that break down the elastins. Thus, green tea not only helps with weight loss but also has a beneficial effect on skin aging.
7. Green tea is good for you ... because it's poisonous.
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It is often said that green tea contains many antioxidants and therefore it is so healthy. Antioxidants can fight harmful substances in our body. These harmful substances occur as a byproduct of reactions in our body, you can see them as the exhaust gases of a car. They are called free radicals.
However, the problem is that free radicals in our body are necessary. They are necessary so that our body does not get too lazy.
Indeed, proteins are activated in our body as soon as the body perceives free radicals.
Let your immune system crash every now and then
You can see it as a kind of army. Once there is a counterparty in our area, our army attacks this person because it is seen as insecure.
So if you get too many antioxidants, our cells get lazy and all kinds of defense mechanisms are dropped. Butja, as everyone knows, the word TE can never mean something good. However, this does not mean that you need antioxidants!
What makes green tea more healthy is the light poisonous substances that are in green tea.
These light toxic substances are called flavonoids.
From research has shown that these flavonoids stimulate the cells in our body which in turn enter this defense: "our cells start to produce proteins that protect us from these toxins."
This allows the cells are longer term better protected against malicious attacks and are not lazy cells of our body.
8. It reduced the risk of deadly disease in the Netherlands.
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From research shows that cancer is still killer number one in the Netherlands is. Over 30 percent died of this disease in 2013.
And from research , we also know that your eating pattern is the biggest risk factor for developing cancer.
The EGCG dust in green tea activates a protein that causes cancer cells to kill themselves.
In addition, it suppresses the creation of a substance that causes inflammation. And that is beneficial. Because inflammations are ideal foods for cancer. This allows green tea to slow down the onset of cancer.
There are numerous studies that show that people who drink green tea have less chance of cancer. Thus it has been found that:
Women who have average ten Japanese cups (these are very small cups) drink green tea a day have average cancer nine years later than women who drink less than three cups of green.
Another study , involving 70,000 female patients, showed that people who regularly drink green tea have 57 percent less chance of colon cancer.
According to a study in Japan with 49,920 participants, men who had more than five cups of green tea drank 48 percent less of prostate cancer than men who drank less than 1 cup of green tea a day.
And so, there are some researches to name, only I'm going to throw you here because it's not getting more interesting. The lesson you have to take is that you just have to drink a lot more green tea than you do now.
9. Your noble parts will be grateful to you.
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You can not without your brain or your heart. But I also bet that you can not without your noble parts. If you want to maintain them as well as possible, I would drink more green tea. Why?
Green tea inhibits genital warts. Yes, you are reading well.
And that's nice, because genital warts can develop in some cases in a cancer. People who have genital warts and do not treat them are at risk of these warts changing in cancer.
Genital warts are caused by the HPV virus. About 80 percent of people are ever infected with this virus.
Spread all your warts away
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the US recently approved an ointment with green tea in it. This will be used to combat genital warts because research has shown that this works.
This is remarkable because genital warts are difficult to impossible to cure.
The most used way to get rid of genital warts is to burn them, break freeze or cut them away.
Often the genital warts return to these treatments. It is therefore interesting that a simple ointment based on green tea can make these warts disappear. That only shows how good this tea is for you. If you love your health, I would put tea more often.
10. Green tea reduces glucose and insulin levels.
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The hormone insulin is THE hormone that causes the greatest health problems today. And honestly, it is not because of the hormone itself but by our eating patterns. This causes the hormone to be present in too high concentrations in our body.
This gives us a lot of fat and we develop diabetes type 2.
Green tea can be used to prevent type 2 diabetes.
The ideal amount of cups of tea per day
In recent studies, the results of 17 studies on the effect of green tea on the insulin sensitivity and blood glucose level have been summarized. The conclusion of this study is that consumption of green tea causes significant reductions in blood glucose levels and insulin levels.
Japanese population survey shows that the risk of diabetes type 2, 33% lower when taking at least 6 cups of green tea a day compared to 1 cup of green tea per week.
Another study concludes that the consumption of at least 4 cups of green tea per day is sufficient for significant protection against type 2 diabetes. In people with type 2 diabetes, green tea can improve blood sugar levels. And this reduces the chance of various diabetic complications such as:
Heart and vascular disease
Nervous damage
Eye damage
11. It increases your concentration.
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Green tea is also promoting the upper room. Students take special care:
The amino acid theanine in green tea causes more alpha waves in the brain. These alpha waves make you both calmer and more concentrated.
From research it was found that after the consumption of the L-theanine, the heart rate was lower. In addition, these people also had more alpha waves. As a result, their reaction rate became much better after ingestion of l-theanine.
In addition, there is caffeine in green tea. This is a stimulating substance that causes you to become alerter and improves your concentration. A cup of tea contains an average of 30 milligram caffeine.
It wonders your brain
EGCG can be absorbed from the blood by the brain and has shown protective and restorative effects in various brain diseases such as:
Muscular diseases such as: ALS, Duchenne's disease, multiple sclerosis,
Parkinson's disease
Green tea also reduces the platelet aggregation , which is good for the blood vessels in the heart and in the brain.
From three heads, people are less likely to have a stroke (cerebral hemorrhage or cerebral infarction).
A major study involving more than 195,000 people showed that people who drank three heads a day had 21 percent less chance of stroke. If they drank more than six heads , their risk of stroke was already 40 percent lower.
Some tips for putting your green tea:
Let the tea draw for a minimum of 3 to 5 minutes
Drink 3 to 6 cups a day to make the most of green tea
Drink the tea with lemon , because tea can prevent the absorption of iron from fruits and vegetables. Fresh tea contains the most flavonoids, so drink your tea as fresh as possible!
Green tea that is not in prepackaged bags contains more EGCG than for example pre-packaged green tea from Pickwick. This loose tea can be bought in various theaters like Simon Levelt
Green tea is just the beginning.
Now you know what the health benefits of green tea are. You can prevent all kinds of diseases and increase your fat burning. You can take it in different shapes, from powders to ointments. There is even green tea ice cream!
But you also realize that green tea alone is not enough to get slimmer.
You must attack your attack from all sides, then you will be more successful to lose weight.
The question is:
What can I do to attack this excess fat?
That is a good question. You can eat healthier or have a healthier eating pattern, giving you maximum fat burning.
And all of this I've already put together for you to make a flying start to a healthy lifestyle and your ideal weight.
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